Investment idea looks fundamentally attractive, meets portfolio objectives and provides solid risk-return trade offs
Only highly undervalued securities are held to allow for additional profits, and are monitored on a regular basis to make sure the long-term viability remains intact
Positions are reviewed for sale if fundamentals deteriorate, valuation is no longer attractive or better alternatives exist.
Coyote-Prime Service Partners
Fund Auditor
Fund Broker
Fund Admin
GIPS Verifier
Find out more about the Coyote-Prime™ Stock Fund Send inquiries to:
3rd Floor, Sofia Place,
48 Church Street,
Hamilton HM12, Bermuda
The Coyote-Prime Investment Fund is not open to U.S. residents. The information contained on this website is in presentation format and therefore is limited in its scope and not meant to provide comprehensive descriptions or discussions of the topics mentioned herein. This website is not part of, and should not be construed as part of, any offer to sell or any solicitation of an offer to buy any company interest or other interest in any Coyote-Prime affiliated projects or any other project. Such an offer can only be made through a private placement memorandum for a specific project.